Monday, May 3, 2010

How to let tesseract (OCR) to only recognize "Digits" ?

Recently, I am playing around the OCR(Optical character recognition)

tesseract is a good open source that I play first, but it lacks documents, a little bit annoying. Some people asked how to let tesseract to only recognize "Digits", you may find some hints at FAQ of tesseract's wiki or README, but I shared what I found.

Environment : Ubuntu 8.04
1.Add a file (digit) to /usr/local/share/tessdata/configs/
2."a file(digit)"
filename : digit
file content : tessedit_char_whitelist 0123456789
3.Change your tesseract command as below
./tesseract ~/image.tif ~/output nobatch digits

Have Fun, honestly, not so good to recognize "DIGITS" as I thought


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  2. What is the "best" font for text recongition by tesseract? I can choose how I print these out, but I'm finding that some fonts work better than others.pearson correlation

  3. I like it! Thanks for publishing.

  4. what about training the digits to a certain font to improvement accuracy to that font?
