Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pyflix - 04/12/2009

If you put your algorithm in a module under the algorithms package (e.g., you can test it on the probe set and get its RMSE by running:

python pyflix/algorithms/ myalg.MyFancyAlgorithm path/to/database

Under my environment

E:\pyflix-0.1>python pyflix/algorithms/ average.DoubleAverage e:\pyflix-0.
E:\pyflix-0.1\pyflix\ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecat
ed; use hashlib instead
import sys, warnings, os, fnmatch, glob, shutil, codecs, md5
[********************************************************************] 100%
Computed RMSE in 41 minutes and 56.5 seconds
average.DoubleAverage: RMSE=1.0158

how to generate a prediction file by DoubleAverage algorithm
(1) beginning
from pyflix.algorithms import Algorithm
from pyflix.algorithms.average import DoubleAverage

(2) main function
rmse = timeCall('Computed RMSE', probe_set.rmse, model, progressbar=True)
print '%s.%s: RMSE=%.4f' % (algorithm.__module__, algorithm.__name__, rmse)

a = DoubleAverage(RatedDataset(basedir/'training_set'))

(3) winxp cmd
E:\pyflix-0.1>python pyflix/algorithms/ average.DoubleAverage e:\pyflix-0.
E:\pyflix-0.1\pyflix\ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecat
ed; use hashlib instead
import sys, warnings, os, fnmatch, glob, shutil, codecs, md5
[********************************************************************] 100%
Computed RMSE in 3 minutes and 59.2 seconds
average.DoubleAverage: RMSE=1.0158
[********************************************************************] 100%
Submit your prediction file
(1) gzip or zip your file
(2) check the MD5
(3) submit your result (my firefox can't submit, only IE can, weird??)

1 comment:

  1. i had hard time to figure out the path setting, the pyflix should be run on unix base OS, not the winxp, unfortunately, I ran on winxp, although I have Ubuntu. Python path setting is different from winxp.

    Python uses "/"
    Winxp uses "\"

    so if you want to run pyflix at winxp, you need to mix these two path configurations at the same time, what the hell !!!
